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Manage inventory

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On Vencru, you can track products by location using the multi-location feature. This is useful for businesses where stock/inventory is organized in multiple locations.

To add inventory by location

  1. Click on the Inventory button on the menu bar.
  2. Click on Inventory
  3. Click on Add item
  1. Fill in the necessary information and scroll down.
  • Add Product details
  • Input the quantity you want
  • You can either leave the default location, select a new one or pick multiple locations.
  1. Save your preferred location by clicking on Save 
  1. Click on Save Product or Save and Add New Product

Update Stock

  1. Click on the Inventory button on the menu bar
  2. Click on any Item
  1. Click on Update stock
  1. Choose your preferred location and fill in the other details
  1. Click on Save

Import Products

  1. Click on the Inventory button on the Menu Bar
  2. Click on the Add New Item drop-down and click on Import Item
  1. Scroll down and click on the download template file link
  1. Fill out the template with your inventory information
  2. Upload the CSV  and click on Next
  1. Fill in the fields and click on Import
  1. You’ll get a successful notification and your products will be imported.

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Manage inventory

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