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Budget Planning

Create a budget

Estimated reading: 1 minute 857 views

Create a sales or revenue budget

  1. Click Reports from the menu bar 
  2. Select Budget Planning from the tab.
  3. Choose Revenue and click on Create New Revenue Budget
  1. Fill in your budget for each month and click on Create 
  1. Your budget is created.
  • Note that you can edit the year you would like to create a budget for by clicking the calendar icon. 

Create an expense budget

  1. Click Reports from the menu bar 
  2. Select Budget Planning from the tab.
  3. Choose Expense and click on Create New Expense Budget
  1. Fill in your budget for each month and click on Create 
  1. Your budget is created.
  • Note that you can edit the year you would like to create a budget for by clicking the calendar icon. 

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