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Sales by Product Report

Estimated reading: 1 minute 473 views

The Sales by Product report summarises the total income generated from each product and the total amount sold. This report gives you an idea of how much has been generated from a specific product within a time period and the amount sold. To view the sales by product report;

  1. Click Reports from the menu bar and select Reports from the vertical tab.
  2. Select Sales by Product Report
  3. The sales by product report is displayed 
  • Note that you can edit the date period on which you want a report by clicking on the arrow in the Date period box
  • Click on Run Report to get your report for the selected period.
  1. You can export the report as a PDF or CSV by clicking the Export button and selecting which of the two formats you want. 
  2. Click Export to download your file.

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Sales by Product Report

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