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Create Purchase Order

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 1167 views

Purchase orders are created to let your vendor know about your intent to buy products. You can create and email POs directly to vendors when you want to buy.

The Purchase order feature allows you to enter the specific items you want to buy and the quantity. Your supplier accepts the PO, and agrees to the terms, after which you can raise a bill for payment. To create a Purchase Order:

  1. Click on the Create new button and select  Purchase order on the drop-down menu OR
  • Click on Expenses from the menu bar, and select Purchase order on the dropdown
  • Click Add new Purchase order
  1. Select a vendor from the vendor dropdown
  2. Enter the Order date, Shipping address, and Warehouse address (optional)
  3. Click Add new line to enter the product, quantity, and tax (if applicable)
  4. Click Add shipping fee to include the cost of shipping
  5. If you want to add additional notes or instructions, fill in the Notes section
  6. You can also attach a product image by selecting browse file
  7. When you’re done, click Save order or Save and send (to send PO directly to the vendor)

Create a PO with Multicurrency

  1. Click on Expenses from the menu bar, and select Purchase Order in dropdown
  2. Click Add new Purchase order
  3. Select a vendor from the vendor dropdown
  4. Enter the Order date, Shipping address, and Warehouse address (optional)
  5. Click Add new line to enter the product, quantity, and tax (if applicable)
  6. On the Amount field, click on the dropdown, and select the currency of choice
  1. You can edit the exchange rate by clicking on edit to input the rate of choice
  2. Click Add shipping fee to include the cost of shipping
  3. If you want to add additional notes or instructions, fill in the Notes section
  4. When you’re done, click Save order or Save and send (to send PO directly to the vendor)

Creating Purchases Orders from Inventory

  1. Check the box of items you want to add to your purchase order. You can check multiple items on different pages
  1. On the tab at the bottom, click Create
  2. Select Purchase Order from the popup
  3. Click Create
  1. Fill in the required details on the Create Purchase Order page
  • The item quantity can be edited on the Create page
  1. Click Save order or Save and send

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